Lyra's Project ~ Week 15 ~ Spotlight

 This year I've joined up with some of my colleagues from the Beautiful Beasties Network (an international group of professional pet photographers) for Project 52, to collectively challenge ourselves and our creativity with a weekly assignment. Every week a different pet photographer chooses a theme, which each person interprets in their own way. The photograph must be taken during that week, and on Friday evening (7pm Aussie time) everyone's blog posts go live. Click the link below to see the next photographer's image and continue around the blog circle until you end up back here - enjoy!


Melbourne Pet Photography - Dog in the City

This week's theme is Spotlight. Spotlighting typically involves focusing light onto a particular area of your subject, allowing the rest of the image to fall into darkness and creating strong contrast and shadows. Strong contrast, dark shadows and direct or un-diffused lighting aren't really my cup of tea, so I took some liberties with the theme this week.

Lyra, her Dad and I took a night stroll into Melbourne to photograph my girl lit by the city lights. She had a ton of fun being cuddled by many drunk people. This photo was taken right in front of the Melbourne Town Hall, and the city was bustling because we're in the middle of the Melbourne Comedy Festival.  This lighting is backlight by traffic with a bit of fill light from a nearby store, but there were a few spotlights in the background (causing that bokeh) and there are a bunch of shows at the Town Hall this month so, you know, there would be . . . spotlights there??? Hehe.

Now don't forget this is a blog ring, so head on over to For the Love Pet Photography in Portland, Oregon to see Jayme's take on Spotlight. Keep clicking through the ring until you arrive back at Ragamuffin Pet Photography.


How to: Beautiful Bokeh in Pet Photography


Life Epiphanies