Ragamuffin Pet Photography

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Real Animals Fairtrade - cool eco-friendly collars & leads

I had the pleasure of working with Lynn from Real Animals Fairtrade, an absolutely delightful local company that makes awesome, sustainable dog collars and leashes.

They are really high quality, very quirky and all made out of recycled materials (think juice boxes, chip packets etc.) I fell in love as soon as I saw their products (if you don't know, I'm just crazy for anything recycled, so they were right up my alley!) PLUS Lynn was lovely and gave Lyra a freebie <3. That was quite a few months ago now, and the colour hasn't faded one bit AND the leash has survived rainy jogs, the beach, Lyra's disgusting car slobber and my general clumsiness. Impressive ;)

SO it's always cool when you get to work with a company whose products you genuinely adore, and this was one such occasion. Feast your eyes on the COLOURS (or is it just me who goes ga-ga for bright colours. surely not?) We did a MUCH MUCH fun photoshoot with Lynn and all her gorgeous (rescued, naturally) dogs in the local park.

I shall have to take a proper photo of Lyra with hers - I recently bought her a new purple harness just so it would match her purple lead. Dodgy iPhone snap will have to suffice in the mean time, cos I reckon she looks proud at her spunkiness.

(p.s. purple is my very favourite colour. My girlfriends hang a little sh*t on me for it, since I have an obsession with purple that is a little along the lines of 5 year girls and the colour pink. I type this as I sit in my purple dressing gown :p )




If you love these as much as I do, you can snap one up online or I believe they are sold at Melbourne's K9 Kudos.

They are $15 - not kidding! Cute, colourful and unique - yes. Business Mogul...errr....no. With the generous gifts and the super-low prices, it's obvious Lynn isn't in this for the moneys. She's got bucket loads of passion though (and a mountain of get doggy advice, if you get her talking). In case you can't tell, I'm a fan :)