Honey Apple Muffins ~ Recipes for Ragamuffins

These giant honey apple muffins go down a treat for special occasions. I baked them for my favourite pug's 10th birthday yesterday. He's been staying with Johnny, Lyra and I while my parents are overseas - and his little butt has been spoilt right off! I can't believe he's 10 already (actually I can - he is the most old-man-dog I've ever met. But still, the years do fly by!) I adapted this recipe from Elaine Everest's "Canine Cuisine" cookbook. 

Makes 6 large muffins, or 12 regular size. You could even make cute little ones with a 24-cup cupcake tray, if you've got puppies or little dogs.


Happy birthday little man - I love you so much, tongue and all!