Paddy Grows Up
You may have noticed a lack of Paddy posts recently. I've started and stopped writing this too many times to count, mostly because I'm not exactly sure how I feel.
Our not-so-little foster puppy has moved onto his next stage of training for Dogs for Kids with Disabilities. He turned One Year Old this week - how time flies! I miss watching Lyra and Paddy play gleefully for hours and I miss his slow, gentle lean on my knee. But he was never ours to keep and more than missing him, I am excited to see what the future brings for the Padmeister.
His leaving us was actually good timing. So soon after Misty, it feels right to curl up in our little family and rebuild ourselves. If I'm totally honest, I've been clinging (somewhat desperately) to Lyra in the absence of my Moo. I need her and deep down I have to admit that I need to feel needed. With our sidekicks gone, Lyra and I have had a chance to re-connect and become closer than ever.
I'm so happy that we decided to foster Paddy. He brought so much laughter into our home and more importantly, he will change the life of a very deserving child in the future.
Good luck in the next stage of your life, little big one xxx