Ben and Bree
I photographed these two gorgeous rescued greyhounds, Ben and Bree, for their Ragamuffin Pet Photography Session in Williamstown Gardens. Ben was adopted later on in his life, so naturally he was a little shyer in front of the camera - but after plenty of praise (and quite a few treats) he soon warmed up to the camera. His sister Bree was ready to model right from the get go - a sweet girl who clearly adores her furry brother.
I adore the epic, graceful poses and shapes that we can often create during a greyhound photoshoot, but the truth of the matter is that Ben and Bree are secretly just loveable dorks at heart so it was important that their album captured both the beauty of their breed AND their own silly personalities. Cue some goofball, tongues-out candid shots and plenty of big, happy doggo smiles!