Little Muse Collective ~ Interview
A little while back I was interviewed by Little Muse, the Australian and New Zealand online destination for the ‘best of the best’ of lifestyle photography. Celebrating beautiful shoots, inspiring work and pictures that ‘move you’ Little Muse is everyday life told in amazing imagery by our nation’s very own photographic talents.
The interview was all about my efforts to "give back" through my photography.
"If dog’s had heroes Melbourne’s Caitlin McColl of Ragamuffin Pet Photography might just be it. This beautiful documentarian of people and their pets has given much of her time (and heart) to applying her art to the very practical application of creating ‘adoption worthy’ profiles for animals that need homes. Fundraising, campaigning and beautifying pound puppies are all part of the day when ‘giving back’ for this passionate photographer...."
Click here to read the full interview...