Ragamuffin Turns One!

Well, a year has just whizzzzzzed by! I can't believe this little business that I love so much is officially ONE YEAR OLD! So much has happened in a year - I completed my Bachelor of Arts in Photography at RMIT, moved house, won Third Place in the Business Plan Competition, turned 21 myself, finished the "Misunderstood" series with an awesome Exhibition in Federation Square, photographed so many wonderful pets around Melbourne and learnt so much about how to run a small business . . . and it all started with an epiphany!  

"I have never been so excited and motivated and nervous as I’ve been in this month. Over the past few years I’ve worked my way around the world of Commercial Photography - fashion and weddings being my main interests. I love photography, but I always felt like there was something unsatisfying about the path I was heading down....

Now it really feels like everything has clicked into place. Pet Photography just makes perfect sense for me. It is dead scary to start something so new and unfamiliar after spending the last few years putting all my energy into fashion photography. Seriously? Now I want to turn everything around to photograph puppies? Why yes, yes I do! And so, this month has been incredible. I’m excited, I’m motivated and I’m a whole lot of nervous! But most importantly, I’m happy..." (~ from my very first Ragamuffin blog post)


To top the celebrating off, my furry ball of inspiration is turning TWO next Saturday! It will be quite a week in the Ragamuffin household, so what better way to HIP HIP HOORAY than with a Birthday Week promotion? You all know that I don't do promotions very often, but it's not very often that your business turns One and your Lyra-bear turns Two!

So, for one week only, you will receive a $100 print credit when you book your Ragamuffin Session. Yup ~ $100!

Just quote "happy birthday" when you make your booking, which you can do online here, or by emailing me at woof@ragamuffinpetphotography.com.au or calling 0459 027 945.


Lyra's 2nd Birthday


Honey Apple Muffins ~ Recipes for Ragamuffins