Lyra's Project ~ Week 8 ~ Love

 This year I've joined up with some of my colleagues from the Beautiful Beasties Network (an international group of professional pet photographers) for Project 52, to collectively challenge ourselves and our creativity with a weekly assignment. Every week a different photographer chooses a theme, which each person interprets in their own way. The photograph must be taken during that week, and on Friday evening (8pm Aussie time) everyone's blog posts go live. Click the link below to see the next photographer's image and continue around the blog circle until you end up back here - enjoy!


Dog Photo Melbourne

This week's theme is "Love". This is a portrait of my partner Johnny, my furkid Lyra and myself. Johnny and I met when we were 13, and I fell head over heels that very first day. After six months of very shy and oh so awkward teenage flirting, we were dating. This is our 9th year - side by side we have graduated high school together, travelled the world, moved countries, completed our uni degrees, renovated our house and - the best decision of our lives - adopted our Lyra girl (and more recently her two tiny feline sisters). We've been through our share of ups and downs, but there is something about this man that I just can't live without. I am the luckiest woman in the world and there is so much love in our home. 

Now head over to the blog of Maryland pet photographer, KRS Images to see her take on this week's theme. Don't forget to keep clicking through the links until you end up back at Ragamuffin Pet Photography.


Pet Photography Fundraising Milestone


How to take the Perfect Group Photo with your Dog