Negative Space ~ Pet Photography ~ Lyra's Project

Hi there! My name is Caitlin and I am a Melbourne Pet Photographer. This year I've joined up with some of my colleagues from the Beautiful Beasties Network (an international group of professional pet photographers) for Project 52, to collectively challenge ourselves and our creativity with a weekly assignment. Every week a different pet photographer chooses a theme, which each person interprets in their own way. The photograph must be taken during that week, and on Friday evening (8pm Aussie time) everyone's blog posts go live. Click the link below to see the next photographer's image and continue around the blog circle until you end up back here - enjoy!


Girl sitting in a field with her dog in Melbourne, Australia at sunset

The theme for this week is Negative SpaceI am a huge fan of using negative space compositionally - for my non-photographer readers, negative space refers to the "empty" space around your subject (e.g. all the sky and field around Lyra and I in this photo).

We were lucky enough to catch 5 minutes this afternoon when it wasn't pouring down with rain. We found a little clearing on the side of the road about a 15 minute drive from our house, plonked ourselves down and gazed at the sunset (feeling mighty silly while lots of cars drove past us). I felt even sillier because I forgot my remote, which meant I had to keep leaping up to press the shutter again, then running back like a crazy person to where Lyra was waiting for me. So no - the taking of this photo was not as peaceful as I hope the final image seems, but I like it because it captures something of the calm that I feel whenever I am with my girl.

This is a blog ring, so make sure you go ahead and check out the other photos for this theme. First up is Denver Pet Photographer, StinkDog Photos.




Jobe ~ Dog Photography in Inverloch


Child and Pet Photography ~ Felix & Chance