Lyra's Project ~ Week 16 ~ Bloopers!

 This year I've joined up with some of my colleagues from the Beautiful Beasties Network (an international group of professional pet photographers) for Project 52, to collectively challenge ourselves and our creativity with a weekly assignment. Every week a different pet photographer chooses a theme, which each person interprets in their own way. The photograph must be taken during that week, and on Friday evening (8pm Aussie time) everyone's blog posts go live. Click the link below to see the next photographer's image and continue around the blog circle until you end up back here - enjoy!


Silly Photo of Two Dogs in Melbourne

This week's theme is Blooper. Technically Bloopers are mistakes - funny little expressions and poses that were unplanned but make us giggle. But since I'm determined to make every photo in this Lyra Project feature my scruffy lady and I'm determined to stick to the rule of taking the photo during the allocated week and not dipping into my archives, I had to plan this unplanned blooper. It's more inspired by the idea of bloopers than an actual blooper :)

This is Lyra and her very best furry friend, Sabaka, pulling silly poses for the camera. Lyra lurves Sabaka - and whatever Sabs does Lyra is sure to follow.

Now have a good laugh and click your way around our blog ring. First stop is Kathy Sherbert, a Maryland Pet Photographer, KRS Images. Don't forget to keep clicking the links until you find your way back to Ragamuffin Pet Photography.


Melbourne Dog Photography ~ Jaxon


How to: Beautiful Bokeh in Pet Photography