8 Signs Your Pet is Spoilt ~ and you should hire Ragamuffin Pet Photography!


If you relate to any of these signs you are definitely living with a spoilt furbaby (p.s. my girl ticks all of these boxes, so there's no judgement here!)

Clue #1 You always have treats in your pockets (it's pretty gross actually! I reach in there hoping for spare change and come up with schmakos!)

Clue #2 They have more than bed in the house (bonus points for a bed in each room. I swear there's going to be a dog bed in our bathroom sooner or later!)

Clue #3 They have their own facebook profile (ahem! otherwise how would she keep up with all her doggy friends?!)

Clue #4 They get their own xmas presents (and a stocking!)

Clue #5 There is a kiddy pool in your backyard - but you have no {human} children (Perfect for summer though!)

Clue #6 Your parents refer to them as their granddog or grandkittens  (Lyra even has a special toy drawer at her grandparents' house!)

Clue #7 Their shampoo costs more than yours (Lyra's cost loads more! Damn little allergic lady!)

Clue #8 They are their furbaby and they belong right by your side . . . (I'm totally serious when I say Lyra is my souldog. I kinda think she is my other half - don't tell her Dad!)


Click here to find more out about booking Ragamuffin Pet Photography for your spoilt furkid - or enquire today by filling out this form:


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